Years ago, I was terrified to leave an eleven year job under my brother's wing. I believed in myself enough to exit, as the company mission no longer aligned with my core values. Although my brother had his yoga studio across the country, we were going to share the name and brand. That felt safe. I was unsure about owning a business and did not know if I had what it would take to succeed. But, I did it anyway.

When I met my late-husband, David Prentice, he believed in me more than I did. He tried to convince me that I was the brand and to use my name for the yoga studio. At the time, I was afraid and stayed small. I was not ready to fully commit to believing in myself. To be honest, I was still hiding like the little five year old Caren who clung to her moms leg and felt protected under her blanket sucking her thumb. I was afraid to fully be seen and terrified of failing. EnSoul Yoga is the name I created to help me stand on my own. It was a HUGE step in believing more in myself. 

Then a tragedy shook my world and awakened me in a way I never saw coming. The one person who believed in me the most, my beloved husband at thirty years old, died. Unfortunately, it took an extreme circumstance to complexly reinvent myself and my life into that of greatness. I felt that the only way to go was up and that I could not let David down. As I continued on the path of Self-evolution, I was able to use every challenge to change for the better. I saw every obstacle as an opportunity to learn and grow. New doors opened with every one that closed, especially during a global pandemic. The worst tragedies enabled transformation.

Now, I am following my true calling and purpose. I am no longer hiding behind a name that is not mine. I spent most of the pandemic learning and building a school for Self-Evolution Education. This is what I was born to do! I have built a three month Mental Training Course I: “11 CliffNotes on Happiness”, a one year Mental Training Course II: “The Play-Ground Paradigm” and a one year Mental Training Mastermind III: “Light-Leadership Through Master Storytelling”. My clients and mentees are radically transforming leaders. We are spreading positivity to make Universal positive impact. We are collaborating and co-creating a different world personally and collectively.

David inspired me beyond what I thought was possible. Through my teachings, teachers, gurus and guides, I have grown and experienced radical transformation. It feels like a metamorphosis. There have been lots of growing pains and outgrowth but also a rebirth from my lower self to higher Self. I now understand what David was saying, "go BIG and go all the way"! Thank you David, that is what I am doing each and every day.

This means that my business is also reshaping and transforming. The new logo is symbolic. The diamond represents inner brilliance, divinity, and union to our higher Self. The wings, my initials C & P mirrored, represent a butterfly, or transformation. A brilliant butterfly exists in us all. Self-Evolution is a HUGE umbrella for everything that it takes to live your very best life, make a massive impact, become a living legacy, and live a vision of greatness.

I now fully believe in myself! I am a published Author of
“The Power of Self-Belief”, The Power of Self-Love, The Power of Self- Realization, and “The Power of Self-Transformation”, an Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Advisor and founder of the non-profit organization S.E.E, “Self-Evolution Education Foundation”. This has all been my greatest accomplishment thus far, not because I wrote a book, or was asked to speak about it, or started a non-profit, or have manifested the most abundant, transformational, dream team for my success, but more-so, because I did not want to do any of this. I decided that spreading positivity and inspiration was something I ought to do in sharing my story. There is so much I learned that I can relay to the masses. So, why not?! More importantly, David’s mission was to help others. Now I can fulfill his legacy as I live mine. No more hiding, no more staying small and definitely no more believing I am not good enough to go all the way in my spiritual pursuit both personally and globally. 

Thank you for your continued support and love for self-evolution and for being a part of my mission to inspire and empower others to live their vision of greatness and raise the word’s consciousness one person at at time. You are greatly appreciated and I could never have done any of this alone. We are a stronger force together. Become an inspirational lighthouse with me and we shall brighten the globe.

Looking forward to continuing our evolution and for your metamorphosis as well!

Love and light,

Caren Paskel