Avoiding Drama!!

"Drama dies when you choose not to keep it alive." 
~ Caren Paskel

Drama spreads like wildfire. Are you fueling and feeding it, or are you putting the flames out? 

How you live life is your choice. If you choose to merely live a mundane existence you will be caught up in the mundane drama. You will go high with the highs and low with the lows. You will be involved in everyone's business and you will get turned and burned by what everyone says or does. It will feel like it's all happening TO YOU. Does this kind of existence sound fun, peaceful and productive? 

There's another way to live. Ask yourself, is this serving me and others? Is this helping or helpful? When you ask these simple questions about your thoughts, words and actions, you begin to THINK for yourself. You open to a new way of living, perhaps from a different perspective. 

Here's an exercise: visualize and observe your family as if you are watching a movie and they are the key characters. As you view from this angle, what do you see? Is everyone respectfully minding their own business? Do they have an attitude of "live and let live"? Are they gossiping, judging or blaming others for their problems? Are they lecturing one another? Are they telling each other what to do and how to do it? Are they saying you are wrong and I am right? Are they even talking to one another? Is anyone listening to what others are saying? 

To find a way out of drama, you will have to decide not to be a part of it.

  • Step one is to step away!

By engaging in any drama, you will be fueling and feeding it like adding logs to a fire. That fire will burn more fiercely. By stepping away and choosing NOT to engage, the drama fizzles out at some point. Drama kings and queens will still create, find and feed drama BUT you won't be a target as you're not keeping the flames alive. 

You may wonder why there is so much drama. Great question. When you live at the level of the mind and its emotions, preferences and impulses you will be caught up in this shitshow. When you operate at the level of the world you are continually caught up in pairs of opposites (up/down, high/low). You are attached to family, friends, coworkers, jobs, politics, etc... You define yourself by the things you have, not by the things you are. You believe all of this matters and you are deeply affected by it all. Once you are aware of this, you can find a way out of it. And, the only way out is in. 

  • Step 2: Choose a different path.

When you shift your life, everything shifts. When you decide to work on yourself, you can rise above the drama. You'll know it does not serve a positive purpose. It only supports negativity and attachment. Drama hurts! Once you are on a Spiritual path, you help yourself by learning the Truths of life that enable your evolution as a human being. Developing your intellect, voice of reason, you're able to mange your mind and your feelings. You outgrow and rise above drama. The higher qualities of life lift you to greater heights. This, in turn, allows you to help others. When you go UP the drama goes DOWN!

I have been the target of drama. It is difficult not to be upset when someone close chooses to target their issues, problems, beliefs, views and opinions onto YOU! However, if you step away, you add no fuel for them to continue. Be patient. They will find another target because that's the way they choose to live. They don't know another way.

Once you choose a path of self development, you cultivate compassion and forgiveness for yourself and those who are dramatic. You realize they don't have the proper guidance or the tools to help themselves. They are merely projecting their issues onto you because it temporarily helps them feel better, or shifts the focus away from them. It's really not about you. Remember this so that you don't get burned by the drama flames. Step back, and give space away from them, rather than adding fuel. And keep working on yourself. Take the higher road that leads to living a beautiful, fulfilling and happy life. 

I'm here to help lift you up and away from the burning flames of drama. I will help you define your new path, one that is empowering and helps you live your best life. I'm here to guide you as a mentor and educate you on the Eternal values to live by that enable your transformation. My clients are experiencing NO MORE DRAMA and we are having a BLAST living. Let's connect and get YOU out of the fire and into the light! 

Drama dies when you are not giving it life! Here's to choosing NOT to engage in drama.