Happiness Saboteurs

"Those who hate to see you happy are unhappy." 
~ Caren Paskel

Has anyone tried to sabotage your happiness? Those who can't stand to see you thrive and be happy are simply unhappy themself. You must keep thriving and being happy. That is the grandeur of a human being. Everyone has the right to find happiness and peace if they choose. One must never allow a hater to ruin someone else's life just because they are miserable. That's on them, not you. Happiness saboteurs feel a need to project their unhappiness and pain onto someone. Beware and prepare so that you will not experience an unexpected disruption in YOUR happiness.

There are two types of unhappy people in the world: 

  1. Those who are unhappy and want to change. They desire a new way and are willing to seek assistance or guidance to make changes within themselves to achieve a better existence. Rather than seeing happy people as threatening, unhappy people who want to change see what they want to be. They strive to be better. They notice those that model the energy, vibe and frequency of living that they would like to attain. This person does not hate, envy, or seek to destroy another's happiness. They are focused on what they must do to rise up and grow. The work I do helps facilitate the necessary actions for growth and happiness!

  2. Those who are unhappy and don't want to change. They work to bring happy people down to their level of misery. Somehow, they believe that will make them feel better. In their attempts, they may say or do unkind things to others. Rather than seeking personal change, or minding their business, they outwardly direct their shit onto you or others. There's a lot of energy and time spent trying to pull you down. And if they are successful, there is a feeling of power and control which deflects their own unhappiness. It is a coping mechanism.

Unhappy haters hate themselves, not you. You may feel deeply hurt, even baffled by their behavior. That's the reaction they are looking for. However, there's a better way. Rather than taking another's actions personally, turn your hurt into helping yourself!

In fact, here's a thank you note to the happiness saboteur. 

Dear _________, 

Thank you so much for helping me be a stronger and better person. Your behavior and actions help me to increase my mental strength and stamina. You give me an opportunity to grow by rising above, carrying on and not personalizing. I will not allow anyone to rob my peace and happiness. My only hope is that you find your way and peace. Thanks again for showing me that life is too short to be unhappy. I am even happier because of you. 

With gratitude and appreciation...

Please feel free to send this letter to any happiness saboteurs or write it for your own healing. Share with anyone who may be a victim of a happiness saboteur. Let's spread love by learning how to handle the hate! 

The happiness saboteur is hurting and wants to hurt others. Recognize their pain and agony. As Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." Maurice Maeterlinck eloquently stated, “Happy and blessed hour, when wickedness stands forth revealed as goodness bereft of its guide.” They can't help themselves because they do not have the proper guidance. 

I have been the recipient of words and actions by happiness saboteurs. I live happily even after tragedy and loss. My husband, the love of my life, passed away of brain cancer a little over a year ago. Do I miss him every day? Yes. Do I wish that he was still here? Yes. Will there be anyone to ever replace him? NO! Am I miserable? NO. Am I suffering? NO! Am I thriving because I believe in myself and that I am worthy of happiness no matter what happens? YESSSS!!!!! I choose to be happy. Others may disagree and continue to attempt to bring me down. 

Happiness is a choice. Don't fall for a takedown. Observe. You will see how unhappy the saboteur is feeling. You will have compassion. No need to take anything personally. Love from afar and wish them well. Lead the way and set a POWERFUL example. An unhappy hater may decide they want to change. No one really wants to be miserable. Spread love. Smile and say THANK YOU for making me stronger.